Public Markets
With the right partner who understands how to balance risk with reward, investors can support the growth of local economies and industries while realising personal wealth.
Our Funds
Legacy Africa SA Equity Fund
The fund aims to achieve incremental performance of 1% per annum in excess of the benchmark, gross of management fees with reinvestment of dividends and income, over a 5-year rolling period. The default benchmark is the total return FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index.
The Firm’s Investment Process consists of the following five steps:
- Idea Generation
- Fundamental Analysis
- Portfolio Construction
- Monitoring
- Active Ownership
Legacy Africa Regional Equity (Africa ex SA) Fund
The fund aims to achieve incremental performance in excess of the benchmark, gross of management fees with reinvestment of dividends and income, over a 5 to 7 year rolling period. The default benchmark is the total return of the MSCI Emerging Frontier Markets Africa ex South Africa Index.
The Firm’s Investment Process consists of the following five steps:
- Idea Generation
- Fundamental Analysis
- Portfolio Construction
- Monitoring
- Active Ownership

Legacy Africa Prescient Money Market Fund
Minimum Disclosure Document & General Investor Reports
+ Q4 MDD 2024 + Q3 MDD 2024 + Q2 MDD 2024 + Q1 MDD 2024 + Q4 MDD 2023 + Q3 MDD 2023 + Q2 MDD 2023 + Q1 MDD 2023 + Q4 MDD 2022 + Q3 MDD 2022 + Q2 MDD 2022 + Q1 MDD 2022Legacy Africa Cash Plus Market Fund
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Duration View
- Yield Curve Analysis
- Issuer Choice
- Instrument Selection
- Portfolio Construction
Legacy Africa Active Bond Fund
The Funds seek to target returns of at least 50 basis points (or as specified in the benchmark) per annum in excess of the specified benchmark over a rolling 2-year period while maintaining a relative duration of less than 2 years (or as specified in the mandate). To achieve this objective, the portfolios invest in selected fixed interest and money market instruments with varying duration and yield-enhancing securities with appropriate risk ratings. The portfolios comply with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and all prudential requirements of the credit risk regulations as prescribed in the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (CISCA) for non-equity securities
The investment process is structured, sequential, robust and has been tested over different economic and financial conditions over a long-time period. The investment process is a multi-step process that starts with the mandate objective to define the benchmark, objective and risk characteristics.
- Mandate Description
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Yield-curve Analysis
- Stock Selection
- Portfolio Construction
Legacy Africa Multi-Asset Class Fund
The primary objective of the Multi-Asset Class Funds is to generate returns in excess of CPI + 1.5% and CPI + 3%, over rolling 24 and 36 month periods respectively, by investing in various asset classes including equities, listed property, inflation-linked bonds, nominal bonds and money market instruments. In order to achieve the various investment objectives, the portfolios invest in a combination of these instruments and the allocation to each asset class depends on our proprietary risk-budgeting process. The funds comply with all prudential requirements and regulations controlling retirement funds or such other applicable legislation as may be determined. The LEGACY AFRICA Multi-Asset Funds – High Income, Low Equity and Medium Equity – are interchangeably referred to as the LEGACY AFRICA Flexible Income Fund, the LEGACY AFRICA Conservative Absolute Return Fund and the LEGACY AFRICA Moderate Absolute Return Fund, respectively. They inherently target to generate returns for investors in deliverance of excess real returns above the target.
- Mandate
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Risk Budgeting
- Stock Selection
- Portfolio Construction
- Attribution Analysis
Legacy Africa SA Equity Fund
The fund aims to achieve incremental performance of 1% per annum in excess of the benchmark, gross of management fees with reinvestment of dividends and income, over a 5-year rolling period. The default benchmark is the total return FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index.
The Firm’s Investment Process consists of the following five steps:
- Idea Generation
- Fundamental Analysis
- Portfolio Construction
- Monitoring
- Active Ownership
Legacy Africa Regional Equity (Africa ex SA) Fund
The fund aims to achieve incremental performance in excess of the benchmark, gross of management fees with reinvestment of dividends and income, over a 5 to 7 year rolling period. The default benchmark is the total return of the MSCI Emerging Frontier Markets Africa ex South Africa Index.
The Firm’s Investment Process consists of the following five steps:
- Idea Generation
- Fundamental Analysis
- Portfolio Construction
- Monitoring
- Active Ownership

Legacy Africa Prescient Money Market Fund
Minimum Disclosure Document & General Investor Reports
+ Q4 MDD 2024 + Q3 MDD 2024 + Q2 MDD 2024 + Q1 MDD 2024 + Q4 MDD 2023 + Q3 MDD 2023 + Q2 MDD 2023 + Q1 MDD 2023 + Q4 MDD 2022 + Q3 MDD 2022 + Q2 MDD 2022 + Q1 MDD 2022Legacy Africa Cash Plus Market Fund
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Duration View
- Yield Curve Analysis
- Issuer Choice
- Instrument Selection
- Portfolio Construction
Legacy Africa Cash Plus Market Fund
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Duration View
- Yield Curve Analysis
- Issuer Choice
- Instrument Selection
- Portfolio Construction
Legacy Africa Active Bond Fund
The Funds seek to target returns of at least 50 basis points (or as specified in the benchmark) per annum in excess of the specified benchmark over a rolling 2-year period while maintaining a relative duration of less than 2 years (or as specified in the mandate). To achieve this objective, the portfolios invest in selected fixed interest and money market instruments with varying duration and yield-enhancing securities with appropriate risk ratings. The portfolios comply with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and all prudential requirements of the credit risk regulations as prescribed in the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (CISCA) for non-equity securities
The investment process is structured, sequential, robust and has been tested over different economic and financial conditions over a long-time period. The investment process is a multi-step process that starts with the mandate objective to define the benchmark, objective and risk characteristics.
- Mandate Description
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Yield-curve Analysis
- Stock Selection
- Portfolio Construction
Legacy Africa Multi-Asset Class Fund
The primary objective of the Multi-Asset Class Funds is to generate returns in excess of CPI + 1.5% and CPI + 3%, over rolling 24 and 36 month periods respectively, by investing in various asset classes including equities, listed property, inflation-linked bonds, nominal bonds and money market instruments. In order to achieve the various investment objectives, the portfolios invest in a combination of these instruments and the allocation to each asset class depends on our proprietary risk-budgeting process. The funds comply with all prudential requirements and regulations controlling retirement funds or such other applicable legislation as may be determined. The LEGACY AFRICA Multi-Asset Funds – High Income, Low Equity and Medium Equity – are interchangeably referred to as the LEGACY AFRICA Flexible Income Fund, the LEGACY AFRICA Conservative Absolute Return Fund and the LEGACY AFRICA Moderate Absolute Return Fund, respectively. They inherently target to generate returns for investors in deliverance of excess real returns above the target.
- Mandate
- Macro-economic Analysis
- Risk Budgeting
- Stock Selection
- Portfolio Construction
- Attribution Analysis